
Tuesday, 20 June 2017

1st Board Artworks

I finished three artworks for my board, I used sketching for the broken chain and lighter and chalk drawing for the prison bars in chains, the chain represents broken trust, the prison bars with the key, is an innocent person in jail and the key  is a motif that will connect with a burning book which I've started painting which will go on the board after the lighter which is the lighter used to burn the book. The book is combined with a silhouette figure, I got this idea from my artist model Rene Magritte who combines objects together to make them appear less natural. I will paint in the next artwork of a person standing under a light with their shadow reading guilty to contrast with the innocent person in jail and within that shadow there will be a key on a chain and a lighter to link with the rest of my artworks. The chain bars and the shadow, silhouette are all reoccurring ideas in my first board to create a story and there is similar elements in each of the groups of artworks to link them together. I need to add some more shading and texture to the pieces that are drawn and I need to add some extra interesting stuff onto the chalk drawing with the key and prison bars. I will add some writing onto one of the bars and it will read innocent which will then link it to the other pieces on my board

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